Sunday, April 29, 2007

25. Emma (Jane Austen)

The one Gwyneth Paltrow movie in which she does not get on my nerves

Synopsis from Amazon UK:
Often said to be Jane Austen's most perfect novel, "Emma" is also the perfect read - with a very imperfect - but loveable - heroine. Beautiful, clever and rich, Emma Woodhouse thinks she knows best. She only wants to help others arrange things as she thinks they should be done, and convinced she's just not destined to find true love herself, she believes that she must instead devote herself to playing Cupid for others. But absolutely nothing goes to plan - and in the process, Emma has a lot of learning to do: about others, but most of all about herself ....

My rating: 5 stars

Publication information:
  • First published in 1816 by A. Bertrand

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