Synopsis from Amazon:
The daughter of an infamous Cold War assassin known as the Carnivore is yanked from her tranquil life as a UC-Santa Barbara psychology professor by an international conspiracy in this competent thriller. When ex-CIA agent Liz Sansborough, making her second outing for Lynds is viciously attacked while taking a bike ride, she quickly discovers that her troubled past is impossible to escape. She also learns that her cousin has been kidnapped on her Paris vacation, and that the kidnappers are demanding the Carnivore's long-lost files, thought to contain the details of dozens of high-profile hits, for ransom. Liz isn't eager to go back to work for her old boss, but she quickly readapts to her former profession. As the bodies pile up, however, she finds herself making little progress: she can't find her cousin, and she doesn't even know if her father's files exist. When she teams up with Simon Childs, an old family friend and British MI6 undercover agent, the two forge ahead in a death-defying charge through France and England, their sights set on a mysterious group of corporate titans known as the Coil.
My rating: 1 star
My review: The story may be good but I wouldn't know because I never finished the book. The writing is so terrible that I couldn't get past the first chapter. One reviewer on Amazon gave this book "5 thumbs down."
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