Sunday, May 20, 2007

301. Diary of a Provincial Lady (E. M. Delafield)

Lady Boxe

Synopsis from Amazon:
The Provincial Lady has a nice house, a nice husband (usually asleep behind The Times) and nice children. In fact, maintaining Niceness is the Provincial Lady’s goal in life — her raison d'ĂȘtre. She never raises her voice, rarely ventures outside Devon (why would she?), only occasionally allows herself to become vexed by the ongoing servant problem, and would be truly appalled by the confessional mode that has gripped the late 20th century. The Provincial Lady, after all, is part of what made Britain great.

My rating: 5 stars

1 comment:

StuckInABook said...

Came across your site by blog searching Delafield - isn't she wonderful? So glad you liked this, it's one of my favourite books.