Damian Westmore, known as "The Duke of Rogues," is a debauched sensualist who delights only in the pleasures of the flesh; Mirabelle Hawkins, a fiery young sailor, is determined to become a pirate like her brothers. Damian is the newest crew member aboard the Hawkins brothers' ship, the Bonny Meg, where he's to serve as the navigator, much to Mirabelle's consternation. What Mirabelle and the rest of the crew don't know is that Damian's brother, Adam, was killed at sea by pirates, and Damian has concealed his identity and learned sailcraft in order to find the murderous villains. While aboard, however, Damian finds himself falling in love with Mirabelle, distracting him from his plan for revenge. Soon he discovers that the Hawkinses may in fact be the very pirates responsible for his brother's death.
My rating: 2 stars
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