Friday, April 27, 2007


Ever wonder how many books a person reads in a lifetime? Well, I have. This blog attempts to chronicle all the books I have read and will read during my life (or at least until I get bored with this blogging thing) but no textbooks. Don't expect any reviews (unless I really love something or hate it with my whole being) but there will be ratings for every book. The ratings merely reflect how much I enjoyed the book; in no way do I mean that a book like "To Kill a Mockingbird" is on par as a work of literature with a book like "Bridget Jones's Diary."

Ratings system:
  • 5 stars -- It made me laugh, it made me cry. I love it.
  • 4 stars -- It's good but not great.
  • 3 stars -- I'd rather read a P. G. Wodehouse novel.
  • 2 stars -- Not memorable. Blah. But not completely craptacular.
  • 1 star -- Can I have those hours of my life back?
Comments are always appreciated! Let's begin.


Karen said...

I'm doing something similar. I set myself a goal (one of many) to read 1000 books before I die. I'm sure I'm well over half way there by the age of 34 but I only started keeping track last May. Are the books you're listing ones you've already read or what you're reading from the moment you started your blog? I can't wait to see what you've listed!

Check out my book blog ( or my main blog.

sally said...

Thanks for the comment!

The books listed are ones that I've already read. I'm including books that I read in high school as well as some memorable books from my childhood.

I'll be sure to check out your book blog!